Are your sales on Amazon lacklustre? Sadly, no matter how good your work, unless you can get it in front of people, it’s not going to reach its sales potential.
Visitors browsing on Amazon’s book and kindle pages are there for one reason; to buy books. Getting YOUR book visible on relevant searches means that you have a much better chance of making a sale – and maybe finding someone who will buy all your books and tell their friends!
We can provide targeted keywords that can dramatically increase the effectiveness of your Amazon ads. For £50 per book, or £80 per related series, you will get:
- 3-500 relevant, tested keywords in a file ready to drop straight into an ad
- A comprehensive How-To document that will walk you through the ad process
- A follow-up document that gives you hints and tips on how to use the stats that Amazon give you to keep your ads evergreen, and working for you.
If you want better Amazon ads – talk to me.